
When we look deeply with in, what do we see? Do we judge our actions and decisions? Do we speak poorly to our selves, or doubt, question and criticise? Why? What is it in us that makes it easier to listen to the negative and so hard to believe the positive, the goodness and the truth. We could blame society and conditioning. The media has us look to our physical imperfections as faults and flaws that need fixing. Every minute we are bombarded by stimulation and advertising telling us we are lesser because we don’t look like a certain way or we don’t have this or that and we will be happy if we do have it. Do we buy into the illusion that all these external things will bring us happiness and fulfilment in our lives?

The truth, and we all know it, is that we don’t need any of it. Our lives are more comfortable with certain things and living in the western world phones and cars, a home etc are needed. But the gross level of excess and constant desire is not and does not bring us a happiness and satisfaction that is lasting and sustainable. If we buy in, we just desire more and more, we look inwards and think less and less kindly towards ourselves and going so far as to say that we even feel bad about thinking kindly of ourselves or patting ourselves on the back for something.

We all know however that true lasting happiness comes from within.  That love for ourselves is the first place to start when we want to change our lives or situations. That kindness and helping others, even with a simple smile for a stranger can change everything in an instant. When we show true compassion towards ourselves, letting go of the past and living in the moment we can truly start to understand what it means to be whole and human. My question is, why do so many people struggle with this and how do we turn this around? How do we cease the negative self talk and increase the positive self esteem without pushing to a point of arrogance and self importance?

It all comes down to balance, humility and compassion. If we can work towards finding balance in all aspects of our live. Taking pleasure in the things that are good and looking to the things that perhaps cause us struggle with a sense of compassion and understanding for ourselves and those evolved. If we can control our desire and not let the senses run wild, then we can move through this life with a sense of equanimity and ease.

This fluctuation plays out every time we take to our mat. We move and breath, riding the waves of sensation and breath. Sometimes we struggle and push looking for that extra strength and depth not really being mindful of the breath. Or we give in and become lax and lazy, moving through our practice with little effort and an attitude of going through the motions, again not mindful of the breath. But if we approach and move through our practice with keen attention, letting go of ego and simply listening in to the needs of the body and allowing the breath to take us deeper or help us find the strength, then the magic of balance, humility and compassion arise. The magic of Yoga arrises.

If we can apply this same attention to our daily lives, leave the ego in bed and live in the moment with an intention of kindness in our heart then we can meet any situation from our true nature and with Namaste. It is these small kindnesses that are invoked that can change our lives in the present and thus the lives of the whole world moving into the future.

Easter and Anzac Day Timetable

We are finally in the month of Easter time, even though the supermarkets thought it was months ago and have been tempting us with chocolate and sweet bread. This year has given us quite a fortuitous timing that may give you an extra long break if you include the Anzac day public holiday as well. We have tried to maintain the schedule as normal but do have a few changes to teachers and a few cancelations of classes so please check the schedule carefully and book into your preferred classes so as to ensure you have a spot.

Friday 19thApril Good Friday

6:15 – 7:30am – Iyengar Yoga – Jacqui
12:00 – 1:15pm – Beginners Course – Jon
5:15 – 6:15pm – Yogalates – TL
6:30 – 7:45pm – Meditation – Cancelled.

Saturday 20thApril 

8:30 – 9:45am – Yoga Synergy – Hatha- Jon
1:00 – 2:00pm – Yin/Yang – Nadia
2:30 – 3:45pm Beginners Course – Jon
4:00 – 5:15pm – Dynamic Hatha – Jon
5:30 – 6:30pm – Yin – Sarah

Sunday 21stApril Easter Sunday

8:15 – 9:30am – Beginners – Bronwen
9:45 – 11:00am – Vinyasa Hatha – Fiona
3:00 – 4:15pm – Yin/Restorative – Cancelled
5:00 – 6:15pm – Harmony Hatha – Bronwen

Monday 22ndApril Easter Monday

6:15 – 7:30am – Beginners – TL
12:15 – 1:15pm – Weekend recovery – Bronwen
5:45 – 6:45pm – Vinyasa Hatha – Jon

Thursday 25thANZAC Day

6:00 – 7:15am – Knoff Yoga – Cancelled
9:30 – 10:30am – Yoga Flow – Cancelled
12:15 – 1:30 – Beginners – Gregory
4:45 – 5:45pm – Dynamic Hatha – Gail
6:00 – 7:15pm – Beginners – Pippa
7:30 – 8:45pm – Yoga Synergy – Pippa

Iyenagar Weekend Workshop with Jacqui Simmonds

April 27thand 28this the Iyengar Weekend Workshop with Jacqui Simmonds. This workshop will be focusing on standing poses and forward bends. This weekend intensive offers the opportunity to experience different ways of doing familiar asana so as to deepen our understanding and experience of asana and sequencing.

The workshop is suitable for experienced beginners and intermediate level students. Be prepared to work with props and each other as we observe what asanas look like on different bodies and take what we learn through observation into our own practice.

This will be a fantastic workshop so book you place today.

Please note this workshop is not part of the normal timetable so direct debit credits do not apply.

Welcome Sarah Richardson

I would like to introduce and welcome our newest teacher to the CYS team; Sarah Richardson. Sarah has joined the team to share her love of yoga with kids and will be teaching Lotus Kids on a Wednesday afternoon, for kids K-Yr6. Click here for more detail. She has recently trained with Yoga Trinity Training here in Canberra and is a qualified Yin teacher through Sarah Owen, as well as training and experience with teaching kids yoga. Not to mention she is a fully qualified Primary school teacher with 3 beautiful kids of her own. I have no doubt that Sarah will be a valuable asset to our CYS teaching team and we will all learn a lot form her.

Wednesday Night Workshops

Elena’s Wednesday Night Workshop was a wonderful success. We all left feeling wonderful and I hope those of you who came are still feeling great. If you would like to register for the following 2 sessions, spots are limited, so sign up now. The next session is based on the Vital Psoas Muscle on the 1stMay, followed by The Vital Glutes on the 5thJune. We will check in on our progress and learn more about how we can understand and nurture our bodies specific needs. Sign up here.

I am pleased to announce that Kat Sadler will be running another Ashtanga Workshop during a Wednesday Night Workshop on the 8thMay at 7:45 – 9:45pm.

Come and explore the more advanced postures from the second half of the Ashtanga Primary Series. We will be looking in-depth at the asanas from bhujipidasana onwards, including the correct vinyasa as well as alternatives.

The workshop is ideally suited to those who have already practiced Ashtanga but is still open to anyone willing to learn. Ashtanga is a strong style of practice so be prepared to works hard and reap the rewards. Book you please here.

You can also book into all  workshops and classes by visiting our website and clicking on the appropriate moving banners across the top of the screen.

Finally I would like to wish you all a very happy and health Easter break, eat your eggs mindfully and enjoy them that much more.



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